Sunday, January 5, 2014

Counter Top and Backsplash

We had a great time yesterday morning at Astons meeting with Summer.  Astons has a location in Port Aransas and one in Corpus Christi.  The PA location isn't open on Saturday. Summer works in Port A weekdays (except Monday) and in Corpus on Saturday.  We had a great time with her. She had a great customer service style and was helpful as we picked out counter tops and the kitchen backsplash.

We didn't like the basic countertop Nick generally uses, and he gave a higher allowance for the kitchen because he understands us.  Nick normally uses Corian, but to get the color/pattern we wanted it would be a substantial upgrade.  We decided we would go with a granite that was less expensive than the high-cost Corian.

The counter is significant because that's the large feature that will determine the colors for backspash, cabinets, and walls.  There were three that we found acceptable (price and color) and discovered we both thought the other person didn't like the lighter color, but once we clarified that, the lighter granite became our preference.

With that decision made we moved on to the backsplash.  Summer was a great help, helping us work out visually what it would look like to have the backsplash behind the counter and stove, all the way up to the shelving/cabinets.

So, we have that decision in place. Of course, since Nick hasn't broken ground yet, we can still change our mind, but for now, this is our choice.

1 comment:

  1. The disappointment you've probably also experienced when trying to capture the color of something by photographing it is in effect here, as well. The photos of the backsplash and granite are quite different than the actual colors you'll see in person. The bricks are a lovely gentle-but-not-pastel gold with a clear glass overlay. Is that the right term -- overlay -- or did I just misuse it? The color is on the brick and there's a layer of clear glass that gives it a look of depth. The brick's color is repeated in some of the granite's swirls, which are gold and light brown, not gray and gray as you'd think from viewing the photos.

    We also picked out tile for our master shower and floor, a considerably lighter color and less swirly/more speckled pattern than I'd imagined all these many months and years, but a better look. Ray located an accent tile in the mottled surface style and the bold Texas iron-rich golden-orange-brown I've come to admire.

    We also picked a pattern for the bathroom counters and the kitchen counter where you'll be staying during your visits. Its tiny specks of pale browns should help camouflage crumbs and whatever else finds its way there. Your shower is currently set to be "canvas" colored, or a sort of grayish-ivory with an accent color of pale butterscotchy gold. Of course, we can change our minds on any of this up until it's time to actually order.

    Very exciting stuff.
