Thursday, March 14, 2013

Yes, we're now in Corpus Christi -- Ray's post

I assume Alese will eventually get to posting, but just wanted to make it official. Our movers arrived on time on Sunday morning, and the truck was fully loaded by about Noon. There were a few things that didn't fit. They hadn't been sure if we could fit everything into one truck, so brought a second one in case. When they heard Liz was moving they suggested putting the few remaining things (mostly outdoor furniture) in storage at her place, and then bringing it down with her move, which would save money on this move. (A smart play on their part. That assures them of more business moving Liz.) So, we saved $600 on a second truck -- which will probably go to support Liz's move. We drove down that afternoon each in our own vehicle. Alese's was full of plants. We arrived about 5. The movers arrived about 12:30 on Monday and were done unloading by about 3:30. The past few days have been taken up unpacking, arranging furniture and boxes we won't unpack, and getting TW to install internet and cable. So now we're on broadband and don't need to be concerned with the data costs on our iPads. We had expected to use both the garage and the spare bedroom for storage and didn't really know how much space that would all take. It turns out we could have brought the queen mattress for visitors -- which would have added to the need for a second truck. (We only brought one twin mattress -- no box spring -- because we thought the spare bedroom/storage room would be inundated with boxes.) We are officially in Corpus. We closed on the Austin house yesterday. That house is now officially and totally sold! I'm still working at HT until the end of this contract. That will be the end of May. I'll be staying at my sister- and brother-in-laws house in Austin during the week and driving home to Corpus Christi on weekends. I may switch cars with Alese on occasion to bring some of the things we'd like to have before Liz moves down... end of April. Photos and prose from Alese will follow, one of these days. Ray

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