Sunday, February 24, 2013

The last two weeks in the Olde House

The showings are all history, the open house has passed, the five offers all in, negotiated, and one accepted. The inspection is done and minor repairs all but complete. The moving companies are giving quotes. The modest House Cooling Party is due to start in three hours. The house is quiet and eager contentment is thick and rich in the air.

The new rental house in CCTX
We've done a huge amount of packing already and have plenty of time to complete the remainder in the days leading up to Truck-Loading Day, Sunday, March 10th. The plan is to clean the house as they load, and be ready to toss our essentials and Wichu in the vehicles, and drive down that evening for our First Official Night Living in Corpus Christi

The truck will arrive and unload our belongings the next day, and we'll switch our focus to where in the world we fit all this stuff in that small two-bedroom house. 

This blog will then become reflections on living together in Corpus Christi on weekends and in separate cities during the weekdays, as Ray completes the remaining two months of his university contract.

Life is so sweet.
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
~ Barack Obama

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