And, we'd had all that sand brought in, but rain proved that the sand wasn't stable enough to stay in place without help. We got about a half-dozen bales of hay and spread the hay at the edge of the sidewalks and driveway so the water that runs off the roof (remember no gutters -- hurricanes like to use them as spears) then runs across the cement and would like to make canyons in the sand. The hay does work.
The birds like the expanded water. And if you're really a good birder, you'll notice that there are more than just our predominant laughing gulls.
The water also brought out some other visitors That little black dot to the right of the photo on the left is a very small toad (or frog) For size, reference the key fob to the left side of the photo.
And Alese is looking at a turtle. I don't know if it was one of the family we see in our Easterly pond or if this was from the West side, but it definitely preferred not be bothered and retreated into it's home.
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