Cameras are up and working, but their aim needs to be fine-tuned. So does the system. For now it's recording full-time on all 4 cameras, but we can set it to record just when there's motion.
When we lived in Massachusetts we had spotlights that were on a motion sensor. We'd walk very slowly to see if we could sneak up on the lights. I assume we'll try that with these cameras once they are set to detect motion.
You can see the IR lights around the camera lens for capturing night-time action. I'm also looking forward to catching views of night-time visits from the coyotes and other wildlife in the neighborhood.
We have internet to the house now, but the camera system isn't on that yet. When it is we'll be able to control and monitor the system from a computer. There are also apps that will allow us to use the iPad or phone to check on the views remotely.
We can do split screen and watch all 4 cameras, 2 cameras, or just one. It looks like it will be a fun toy for a while. We'd be able to set up the smart tv to monitor them, but I don't know why I'd do that.
I got a Raspberry Pi as a gift from Adam, and I'm thinking that setting it up to run a monitor to watch the cameras might be an interesting application. That will take a while though as once we're in there will be a lot of IKEA boxes that need opening and parts assembled.
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