Here are the microwaves. She has a smaller one, which she claims is cute. He has the big one (2.2 cubic feet) because he uses the microwave to prepare meals sometimes. And she claims he doesn't do a good job keeping the microwave clean so now each of us has control of their destiny -- sorry microwave.

And we have a dish... for DirecTV. You'll remember the TimeWarner stories, (or look back in previous posts for the details.) Our HOA says dishes can't be mounted on the front of the house, but that presents a problem. The street runs sort of East and West, and so houses on the North side of the street have their fronts facing South. The satellites for TV -- well at least DirecTV lie to the South. So for the dish to see the satellites it needs to be facing South.
It was tight, with only about a 1/4 inch space to get the dish on the East side of the house, but facing South. That dish is NOT on the front of the house!

Monday (5/4) we were waiting for subcontractors and Alese said to look outside. We watched as this cute canine walked through the lot across the street from us, crossed the street, and progressed down two lots before venturing into the field and over toward Port Royal. It was fun to watch her from the top deck, but even with being down-wind, she turned to look in our direction at every noise we made.
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