It makes such a difference. Where it is now, had been a dark corner with only the glass in the door, now that area feels more open. Alese says she also likes the kitchen porch more, now that she can see.
If you have trouble seeing Alese in the window opening, look at the photo below. They did have to remove siding, and placement was in part determined by wiring already in the wall.
The opening is so big. It will have a window to match the other kitchen windows, and unlike the windows on the first floor, this one will open.
Here's the front of the house, almost completely painted. The door will be a dark red, but since the door is mostly glass, it will only be a highlight between the white trim and the glass.
Those two wood pillars that hold up the porch roof are going to be clad in HardiePlank and painted the house's main color, gold.
And, the view from the resort next door. (I enjoy driving up to the security house and announcing I'm coming in to take photos of our house.) We always get a nice greeting.
In the photo you can see the new window hole, and that the siding has been removed. That will be fixed soon.
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