Ray's frequent posts about the progress on the construction aren't the only things going on in life.
We have critters to enjoy.

On the drive to our dawn meeting with the builder last Saturday, we glimpsed a quick gray fox race across the road in front of us. Too quick to be documented for this blog, here's what they look like. Note this is a stock photo, not one we took. Ours was much blurrier and with less color — it was pre-dawn, after all.
Below is a photo I actually took alongside the house's foundation near the front door. Our first snake. A friendly little checkered garter snake, probably scouting the neighborhood for what sounds like Gulf Coast Toads who hang out near our ponds.
We have sweet little chirping frogs at our current rental property that I hope we'll also have on the island.

Ray took this photo of my favorite, my eastern meadowlark. Its beautiful song floats over the neighborhood with such a sweet sound. Plus it's my favorite color. Because I prefer to bird by ear than sight, it tells me it's there even when I'm not looking.
Here's a nicely done VIDEO to show off how gorgeous and charming they are.
A grey fox crossed in front of us last week too! We thought they had left the neighborhood when the coyotes moved in.