I need your help!
We've been Time Warner Cable customers since we were in Massachusetts (over 20 years). We wanted to have Time Warner provide all services at the new house. I don't want a dish on the house -- one more penetration -- one more object to be carried by the wind.
Alese contacted retail sales about new service. It was passed on to the Construction Dept. who said, they couldn't find the address, then that we were not in the franchise area, and then call them because they'd tried unsuccessfully to reach me.
They didn't ever really try to contact me -- no evidence anywhere of that. I called and left messages twice. Now two weeks and no return calls. I've been trying to get a response through Facebook but get the run-around there. They take a look at something and have said they don't provide service in Port A (a lie), and no one seems to be able to get Construction to respond. Nice to work in that department and be able to make your own rules.
Over a year ago we'd met up with a TWC employee at the end of the cul-de-sac. He said he was putting TWC cable in the area. Didn't say it was on our street, but we told him we were going to be building and he said he'd let his supervisor know so they could be sure it was in. Seems we were in the franchise then.
The resort next door, has said they have TWC. There's a website CableMover that says TWC services Port A, again conflicting with the many responses that TWC doesn't provide service to Port A.
It's completely possible that TWC isn't on Mustang Island Estates Drive. But, we know that Google Maps didn't have the street labeled until about a month ago after Alese submitted a correction. So, when the response is that they can't find the street, hey, call us and we'll point to the exact location. Don't say you don't provide service in the area.
I need your help. If you know anyone in TWC management anywhere please connect me. Of course top level would be ideal, but anywhere along the chain of command could be helpful. I talked with a supervisor in retail sales in the San Antonio office (that serves Corpus) and she did escalate it -- which got the email response that said they couldn't locate the address and to call them... which hasn't yet resulted in a call back. That supervisor said she'd call me back to confirm there was action... never heard from her!
I tried to connect with the executives through Linked In but haven't had an acceptance.
Please, if you have a contact with Time Warner Cable management send them the link to this post.